علامة أظافر شجرة RFID LF TK4100 125KHZ علامة الشريحة الذكية
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علامة أظافر شجرة RFID LF TK4100 125KHZ علامة الشريحة الذكية

RFID Tree Nail Tag suitable for application in the management of ancient trees, due to the characteristics of nail tags, more used in the logistics of wood tracking. Because of the localization of RFID chip, in the transport of some precious wood, can sign the nail mark into the wood, logistics personnel at any time to scan, management personnel can control the logistics position of wood at any time.

بطاقة MIFARE Classic 1K S50 RFID
عضلات المعدة
IP rating
IP 65
Application Temp
-40حار بيع Ntag213 NFC معصمه النسيج
درجة الحرارة التشغيل
المستخدم 512 بت(depend on chip)
Frequency range with he best performance
125/134.2طباعة الرقم التسلسلي بالليزر
IC Life
Write endurance of 100,000 cycles Date retention of 50 حفظ

*More efficient, save human resources.
*The data is more real and less error-prone.
*RFID global uniqueness ensures the unique identity of each tree. Data can be stored and can be automatically collected in harsh environments.
*Cultivation management: the conservators conduct scientific cultivation on the production cycle of each ancient tree, and provide cultivation contents and services according to the data of RFID tags in order to ensure the quality of famous and ancient trees.

*All Kinds of Non-metallic Goods Management
*Security Inspection
*Package Identification
*Park Management
*Tree Management
*ويمكن تخصيصها حسب احتياجات المستخدمين

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♦ لأي سؤال أو طلب ، يمكنك الاتصال بنا على sales@tp-rfid.com
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