
13.56Cartões com chip MHz NXP MIFARE

A tecnologia MIFARE® é líder de mercado em todo o mundo e pode ser usada para aplicações incluindo: transporte, controle de acesso, lazer, e-governo, eventos e fidelização; ao investir em um cartão MIFARE, você garante uma ótima compra para sua organização. Com mais 10 bilhões de ICs sem contato e de interface dupla vendidos em todo o mundo, Os cartões MIFARE da NXP são usados ​​em mais de 40 diferentes aplicações. Os cartões MIFARE têm uma excelente reputação e área de cobertura, oferecendo uma solução sem contato líder que oferece flexibilidade [...]

RFID UHF Car Windshield Tag for Automatic Vehicle Identification

It’s already well-known that passive long-range RFID makes automatic vehicle identification (AVI), driver identification and other long-range identification easier. No entanto, less people are aware it also offers important security benefits over active technologies. Pode ser amplamente aplicado à gestão logística, TP-RFID’s passive RFID can now reliably identify your tag from several meters away, enabling your vehicle to enter a parking garage or pass through security gates, effectively without stopping. In high-risk areas, or at night, such capability could mean the difference between secure, rapid [...]

Benefits of RFID Tags for Warehouse Inventory

With TP-RFID's RFID tags you can remotely audit an entire warehouse or area with the press of a button. Whether you have to perform a factory wide inventory count or just need to know what you have in a supply room, TP-RFID's RFID tags can affordably and quickly be set to handle the task. • Track Inventory in any size warehouse. • Cycle count an entire area in seconds. • Pinpoint items located in the wrong area. • Set up an RFID System [...]

How is RFID Used in Real World Applications ?

LOGISTIC AND SUPPLY CHAIN VISIBILITY Supply chain prowess is based on the level of efficiency, quality, and few or zero errors. Some environments may banner3be too chaotic and the ability to provide real time data on the performance of individual items is an eye-opener to take act resolutely. RFID provides quality visibility and you could bank on this to Black Belt status. ITEM LEVEL INVENTORY TRACKING It is crucial to have a functional system that can be relied on especially in the retail sector. Retailers have [...]

Why Use RFID Tags for Industrial Asset Tracking?

By tagging critical industrial assets with ruggedized passive RFID tags, then setting up a number of reader “checkpoints” at key points, managers and staffers can garner real-time data on the movement and location of individual throughout the facility. Such a solution automates a significant amount of manual tasks – slashing time spent searching for materials, reducing waste and loss, and creating money-saving efficiencies from Day 1. A professionally developed RFID Tags asset tracking system can: 1.Increase labor productivity by providing material [...]