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Plastic VIP Member Card is widely used in loyalty projects. People use it to manage brand promotion, marketing, loyalty and membership management, 好客, discount, 等等. TP-RFID公司在制造塑料卡方面拥有二十多年的丰富经验, 我们坚持高品质的原材料, 印刷和优质服务同时具有卡片行业的竞争力. So happy customers come globally.



❖ 材质: Brand New PVC material
❖ 尺寸: 85.5mm*54mm*0.76mm, combo cards, 或定制
❖ 卡面: 光滑, 马特, 磨砂成品
❖ 芯片: with/without

♦ RFID Chip Options:
1) 低频125kHz~134.2kHz: TK4100, T5577, EM4200, HITAG2
2) 高频13.56MHz: FM11RF08, MIFARE Ultralight® EV1, MIFARE Classic® EV1 1K/4K, MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 2K/4K/8K, NTAG®203/213/215/216, 编码 SLI(2)/SLIX, 等等.
3) 超高频 860-960MHz: H3, U代码7M/8, UHF-RFID-挡风玻璃-标签, MR6, 等等.

❖ 个性化: 标志印刷, 编号, 证件照, 二维码, 条码
❖ 印刷方式: CYMK 4 color printing, 热敏打印, UV印刷
❖ 可选工艺品: 金色或银色背景, 烫金或烫银, Golden or silver drawing, 磁条, 签名面板, 打孔, 压花, Scratch-off,


♦ Numbering Way: Inkjet printing, 热敏打印, 激光雕刻, DOD printing
♦ Barcode: EAN13,Code39,Code128,2D Barcode
♦ Magnetic Options: LOCO, HICO
♦ Magnetic Color: 黑色的, 金的, silver,红色的, 等等.
♦ Signature Panel Color: 白色的, 透明的, other colors

❖ 使用: Memer card, 会员卡, rewards card, discount card, 礼物卡, score card, promotion card, healthcare card, guest card…
❖ 应用: Enterprise, chainstore, 超级市场, restaurant, 学校, book store, 图书馆, cafe store, 俱乐部, 健身房, fitness centre, 停車處, 温泉, 等等.


What benefits will you get to use a plastic card?

⇒ Make a good first impression
⇒ Design a great logo
⇒ Listen to your customers
⇒ Establish strong values and trust
⇒ Always be reliable
⇒ Give great customers service
⇒ Stand out from competitors

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