Etichetta del prodotto - 13.56mhz loyalty membership card

  • Carta membro VIP in plastica

  • Carte fedeltà RFID Carte associative in plastica

    ★Articolo: RFID customer loyalty cards
    Dimensione: 85.5*54*0.84mm o personalizzato
    ★Superficie: Lucido, Opaco, Glassato
    Braccialetto RFID in carta monouso per uso medico: etichetta lavanderia in silicone e RFID incorporata, Codice a barre DOD, Codifica, scegli il chip come target di progettazione dell'antenna, Sfondo argento/oro
    Chip: Ultraleggero, NTAG 213, MIFARE Classico 1K/4K, eccetera
    Frequenza: Braccialetto RFID in carta monouso per uso medico
    Protocollo: ISO14443A/ISO15693
    ★Quantità minima dell'ordine: 500 pezzi
    Campione: Campioni esistenti gratuiti possono essere inviati a te per i test purché tu possa permetterti il ​​costo del trasporto

  • Plastic Membership Card

    Our custom plastic membership cards are a great way to create easy-to-carry ID cards, discount cards, or VIP cards for your organization or store. With options like bar code printing, goffratura, magnetic stripes, and variable data printing, TP-RFID is your custom membership card printer of choice for high-quality customer membership cards, club member cards and library cards at an affordable price. We also offer fulfillment services on all our plastic cards to save you space, time and money. Please contact us at . At TP-RFID, we print membership cards for organizations and institutions worldwide. Create membership cards for your business today. Questions? Our plastic card printing specialists are available to assist you with ordering.