鬼ごっこ - RFID Animal Tags

134.2動物のライフサイクル追跡用のKHz LF RFID耳タグ

TP-RFIDの家畜耳標 ( 獣耳タグとも呼ばれます ) PIG への大量適用に成功しました (Boar / Swine) livestock management ( rfid animal tracking system) as electronic animal ID by many PIG (Boar / Swine) farms in USA, Europe, NS. During these years, through many experiments and real running projects with system Integrator, TP-RFID’s livestock ear tag, used 134.2KHz EM chip of EM4105 / EM4569 (Successor is EM4200 / コイル巻線およびエッチングアンテナ技術), has been demonstrated the extremely high reliability [...]